No Entry _ _ _ Entry Impossible is an interactive work that allows art viewers to interact using their smart phone or tablet, in conjunction with the internet. This is achieved through the use of QR codes and readily available QR code recognition software.

The work explores the idea that we are trapped within our own conscious experience of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch sensations. And contrary to what we might think and how it seems in our day-to-day lives, we have no direct access to what we call, 'the external world.' The work suggest that direct (naïve) realism is false and explores what it might mean if indirect realism is true.

No Entry _ _ _ Entry Impossible photographic print

The work is typically experienced in two sequential steps. First the art viewer is confronted with a photographic print depicting a fence, blurred objects in the background, and a QR code. The fence suggests there is a distinct boundary between consciousness and the external world (non-conscious reality) which may or may not lie on, 'the other side.' The blurred background suggests that whatever is beyond is outside the scope of our direct experience, a hazy mysterious world. The QR code entices the viewer to become an explorer and follow a trail to a second stage of inquiry. The QR hyperlink takes the art viewer to text and imagery that playfully suggests they have somehow transcended to an/the actual boundary between consciousness and a possible external reality. However, here the viewer is informed that in a proposed world of discrete conscious and non-conscious territories, contained within subsets and supersets, there is no possibility of finding a gateway to the supposed, 'other side.' Any notion, or hope, to walk in/view/experience a non-conscious realm is misguided. We are forced to concede that NO ENTRY, suggesting possible access for the defiant, inevitably is ENTRY IMPOSSIBLE.

To go to the second step, click here.


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